In the era of advanced technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) has become not only a tool for accelerating innovation across industries, but also a vector for new, more sophisticated cyber threats. In particular, deepfake technology, based on generative adversarial networks (GANs), enables the creation of realistic fake multimedia content, which is increasingly becoming a tool for fraud, manipulation, and disinformation.

What are deepfakes?

Deepfakes are a form of synthetic multimedia in which images, sounds, or videos are generated or modified by artificial intelligence algorithms to appear authentic. The technology uses complex machine learning models, such as GANs, to imitate the characteristics of real people, including their voices, facial expressions, and gestures. While deepfakes may seem like an innocent technological toy at first glance, their destructive potential is becoming increasingly apparent, especially in the context of cybercrime.

Technical aspects of creating deepfakes

Generative neural networks, which power deepfake technology, operate on the principle of competition between two models: a generator and a discriminator. The generator creates new, synthetic data, while the discriminator assesses its authenticity in comparison to real data. Over time, the generator becomes increasingly precise, creating images that are almost indistinguishable from the original. Techniques such as style transfer and advanced facial reconstruction models make deepfakes increasingly convincing and harder to detect.

Deepfake as a tool for cybercriminals

AI used to create deepfakes is becoming increasingly used by cybercriminals to conduct fraud campaigns and social engineering attacks. For example, criminals can use deepfakes to impersonate public figures or corporate leaders in order to extort funds (so-called CEO fraud). In one such case, AI was used to synthetically generate the voice of a company’s CEO, which led to hundreds of thousands of dollars being transferred to the cybercriminals’ account.

Another worrying aspect is the use of deepfakes for disinformation campaigns. Fake videos of politicians or opinion leaders can be used to manipulate public opinion, which poses a serious threat to democratic processes. Such attacks can destabilize societies, cause social unrest, and even influence election results.

AI in the service of financial fraud

Financial fraud, fueled by deepfake technology and artificial intelligence, is gaining momentum. AI algorithms are used to generate fake identities, documents, and transactions that are difficult for traditional security systems to detect. An example is the so-called “synthetic identity fraud” – a fraud in which AI creates realistic but non-existent identities that can be used to fraudulently obtain loans or make unauthorized transactions.

AI can also be used to automate phishing attacks, where victims’ voices can be synthetically generated to convince recipients to perform certain actions, such as clicking on malicious links or revealing confidential information.

Challenges in detecting and defending against deepfakes

Detecting deepfakes poses a huge challenge for cybersecurity professionals. Traditional methods of analyzing images or sounds are becoming inadequate in the face of increasingly advanced AI technologies. In response, new forensic analysis tools are emerging that examine unnatural artifacts in images and videos, such as irregularities in facial movements or inconsistencies in shading and lighting. However, generative algorithms are also evolving, making the race between deepfake creators and cybersecurity professionals dynamic and constantly escalating.

Tech companies such as Google and Facebook are investing significant resources in developing tools to detect and block deepfakes on their platforms. Regulations are also being introduced to limit the spread of deepfake content, although enforcement remains a challenge.

How to counter the threats?

To effectively counter the threats associated with deepfakes and other AI-powered frauds, coordinated action on several fronts is necessary. First and foremost, organizations must invest in advanced AI-based analysis and detection systems that can detect subtle differences between authentic and fake materials.

Educating users and employees is becoming a key element in the fight against cybercrime. Awareness of the threats and knowledge of the manipulation techniques used by criminals can significantly reduce the effectiveness of deepfake attacks.

The future of AI threats

The coming years will bring further development of AI and deepfake technologies, which will on the one hand offer new opportunities for industry and entertainment, but on the other hand create new security challenges. Artificial intelligence will be increasingly integrated with cybercriminals’ tools, which will require continuous adaptation and innovation in cyber defense.

Companies must be aware of potential threats and implement advanced data protection mechanisms and real-time anomaly detection. Collaboration between the technology sector, regulators, and the scientific community will be key to effectively combating this growing threat.


Deepfakes and AI are becoming powerful tools in the hands of cybercriminals, transforming the cyber threat landscape. As AI technologies continue to advance, their ability to mislead, manipulate information, and cause harm at an unprecedented scale will also increase. In the face of these challenges, it will be critical to understand the nature of the threats and develop modern defense tools that can effectively protect against increasingly sophisticated attacks.