
COMCORE DRONES is an exclusive technologies that use drones to provide services in the field of inspection and self-inspection. With development on robots, we create new solutions for the industry. This includes visual and thermographic inspections ensuring the safety, ongoing operation of plants, as well as infrastructure. We provide comprehensive solutions based on our devices that meet the highest quality standards.
Examples of objects that are monitored with drones:
detached and semi detached buildings
factory buildings, warehouses and production halls
roof surfaces
solar farms
wind farms
railway tracs
antenna masts
power lines
construction sites
water tanks
forest infrastructure
bridge structures

Advantages of infrastructure inspection with drones:
Lower cost
Unlike inspections performed in the traditional way, drone inspection do not require
the use of specialized equipment in the form of scaffolding or lifts, which significantly
reduces costs. With lower costs, inspections can be performed more frequently.
Speed and time saving
The inspection itself is carried out quicker than the traditional method , the preparation is also faster and saving valuable time and cost. Additionally, the course of the inspection
is documented with a video that can be watched anywhere and anytime.
Increased accuracy
The drone inspection allows you to react to phenomenons on an ongoing basis,
zoom in or take an image from a different perspective to catch possible irregularities and check damage in the tested structure. Additionally, drones can reach places
inaccessible to humans, reducing the likelihood of a costly failure.
Safety and non-invasiveness
Drone inspection allows you to reduce or eliminate the need to work at height, this eliminates the risk of accidents were employees are exposed during traditional inspections.
Drone inspection leaves no traces or damage on the examined objects.
By using drone to complete imspections it keeps the downtime of instalation to an absolute minimum.
Visual inspection
Using drones that can fly around and over specific infrastructure makes it possible to inspect high and hard-to-reach objects even from close by. This means we are able to control every element of the tested surface and provide our customers with the highest quality material for further analysis.

Thermal inspection
The thermal imaging camera allows you to identify the source of heat loss or indicate elements that show excessive heating. Thermal imaging measurements using drones with a high-quality thermal imaging camera allow for a thorough inspection e.g. industrial installations, power lines and transformers as well as solar farms in order to find hot spots, leaks or other structural defects.

Inspection using AI analytics
The use of artificial intelligence during drone inspections allows for a thorough analysis of the AI image and the detection of a specific element in a given area.

Examples of the scope for inspections carried out:

Heating network inspections:
• technical condition of the structure
• assessment of infrastructure condition
• damage to mechanical components
• insulation damage
• the presence of corrosion

Solar farm inspections:
• status of diodes and cells,
• occurrence of shadows, damage, dirt,
• detection of hot spots

Wind farm inspections:
• condition of the blades, rotor, nacelle and tower (cracks, delamination, damage, traces of
lightning, oil splashes)
• condition of the anti-corrosion coating
• condition of the paint coating
• status of connections between structure segments

Power line inspections:
• technical condition of energy infrastructure
• occurrence of damage for example: breaking or sagging of electrical wires
• condition of anti-corrosion protection
• assessment of collisions with forest infrastructure
The solutions we use are adapted to the client’s needs and the type of order so that the inspection is carried out to the highest quality.