
In response to the needs of the market, we create solutions based on the use of robots that can effectively perform tasks in the field of e.g. self-inspection (measurements in hard-to-reach places, difficult conditions), unattended transport, remote services (work in difficult conditions, hard-to-reach places) and direct interaction with a human in order to carry out specific actions (reducing production costs and increasing production quality and efficiency).

Examples of dedicated robots:

Remote inspection/self-inspection robot
A long-range wheeled robot which can move in a given area to monitor a specific parameter, e.g. assessing the technical condition of any structure.

Autonomous platform
A robot that moves independently between specific points to transport various loads, e.g. in a large warehouse or in a small restaurant.
We create robots for both internal and external use – depending on a customer requirements
Examples of robot use:
emergency firefighting
moving objects of different sizes
testing the quality of the internal and external surfaces, e.g. of pipelines
leakage testing using artificial intelligence or other measuring methods
external and internal testing of steel structures using ultrasound
testing the technical condition of tanks or other surfaces, e.g. in order to present measurements for UDT
assessment of the technical condition of all structures
control of measurement indicators (analog)
food delivery
mapping (locating robots)
weeding (agro robots)
Robots can perform detailed measurements ( in hard-to-reach places and unfavorable conditions). These include:
wall thickness
type of material
surface condition – damage test
visual assessment of the technical condition of the elements

Detailed surface analysis is performed using high-resolution cameras. We also enable the use of VR headseat that allow for a precise live view in 3D technology.

Advantages of using robots:
cost optimization by eliminating the human factor
work automation – replacing people in monotonous and dangerous tasks
access hard-to-reach places and precision work
complete tasks eficently while maintaining quality and precision
Proprietary technologies
We are offering precise measurement services using an innovative robot – Comcore WALLI, which has been entirely constructed by Comcore company. The robot is designed to perform tasks in hard-to-reach places, at heights and in unfavourable working conditions.