PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROL – a fully automated system for detecting anomalies in the operation of devices and monitoring production processes.

The system collects exact data and parameters required from devices which have a specific sensor. This data is analyzed by an artificial intelligence system which is then transferred to the user electronically through the use of cloud computing.
Examples of possible data that can be measured:
Noise level and pitch
Image Analysis:
Using artificial intelligence to analyze image changes

In order for the sensors to fulfill their function, they can be placed anywhere on the device (according to your needs), for example:

Pressure Sensor
A pressure sensor fitted in the chamber of the device to check the seal

Light Strength Sensor
Light strength sensor fitted in the production process to check the light intensity of the manufactured element e.g. a light bulb

Vibration Sensor
Vibration sensor fitted on a CNC spindle, pump, rotor, check vibration levels

Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor fitted on steel to check the structure and condition of it

Temperature Sensor
Temperature sensor fitted on a conveyor belt, heat sensitive materials, etc. to ensure that allowalble temperature level has not been exceeded

Humidity Sensor
Humidity sensor fitted where required in order to maintian specific humidity levels
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThermal Imaging Camera

Thermal imaging camera fitted for quality control to check if manufactured elements are produced correctly, such as ensuring it has the right shape ad it’s complete (use of artificial intelligence to study the image)
Data collected by the sensors is sent to the cloud then analyzed and verified by cloud computing. The device user or manufacturer sets their specific requirements which are then measured by the sensor. Any anomaly results in a notification being sent to the user which can be reported via an e-mail, text message and a corresponding message in the PowerBI report (a data analysis and report design program associated with a set of online services such as publishing and sharing).

The data is presented in the form of a PowerBi report in real time or on demand. The report may be available on a program which has already been pre-installed or online.

Advantages of using Comcore SENSORS:
Saving time and costs by eliminating overstaffing
Process previews and real-time data reports
Access to measurement history and analysis
Ability to react in real time
Possibility to predict early detection of equipment wear and tear
Accessible from anywhere with internet access
Production safety and maintaining quality requirements
We can prepare an individual solution for all
Use case